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Posts posted by EDBESTIA

  1. https://voca.ro/1dq4V2uqKAYy



    Merry Christmas to everyone who will listen to me, It smells like December the sweet scent of every night

    It's not luck it's about intelligence be patient you already fell into the error of experience

    Dedicated to Ewa who gave me the task of illuminating minds, Remember even if you lose always stay strong

    The time will come when you have cryptos to spare, Play in style and trick your shadow

    Have faith that from time to time it rains in your desert, Do not fall into despair asking for support from the rest

    Always honest, there is no tolerance for those who break the rules, What are you waiting for, stop think and observe

    What will be the next test? Fulfilling my goals It's Christmas you have to enjoy and put problems aside

    I have a birthday soon and I'm waiting for a piece of cake, I remember several nights crying for losing yesterday

    Thanks to Bit Coin Game for all the support, It is the best casino of all

    I have won every time I lose, I bet without fear Life is a risk remember to enjoy every moment

    Something more direct so that you understand me... enjoy every moment that happens because it will only repeat itself in your head.



    feliz navidad a todos los que me escuchen huele a diciembre el dulce aroma de cada noche

    no es suerte es sobre la inteligencia ten paciencia ya caíste en el error de la experiencia

    Dedicado a Ewa quien me encargó la tarea de iluminar mentes, Recuerda aunque pierdas siempre mantente fuerte

    Llegará el momento en que te sobran criptos, Juega con estilo y engaña a tu sombra

    Ten fe que lloverá en tu desierto, No caigas en la desesperación pidiendo apoyo al resto

    Siempre honesto, no hay tolerancia para los que rompen las reglas, Que esperas, deja de pensar y observa

    Que será ser la próxima prueba? Cumpliendo mis metas Es navidad hay que disfrutar y dejar los problemas

    tengo un cumpleaños pronto y estoy esperando un pedazo de cake (pastel), recuerdo varias noches llorando por perder en el ayer

    Gracias a Bit Coin Game por todo el apoyo, es el el mejor casino de todos

    He ganado cada vez que pierdo, apuesto sin miedo La vida es un riesgo recuerda disfrutar cada momento



    Algo más directo para que me entiendas... disfruta cada momento que suceda porque solo se repetirá en tu cabeza.

  2. 9 hours ago, BCGameZuna said:

    Hello yes you can, we are open for that but would appreciate if you can send also the translation for it for us to easily understand. Make sure it is a Christmas song too. 

    The unique thing is, when changing the language there is no constancy in the rhymes and I will use traslator. No problem only wanna to say that.

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